Providing Solutions for a Water-Stressed State
As a water provider in a state facing increasing water stress due to population growth, climate changes, and heightened competition for resources, our core mission is to address these challenges and secure a sustainable water supply for the communities we serve. To safeguard this invaluable resource, we implement robust systems and make strategic investments that prioritize responsible water use. This involves incorporating measures for water conservation, recycling and reuse, and aquifer storage and recovery into our operations and community initiatives.
In the face of growing demand and environmental considerations, we strive to be at the forefront of innovative solutions. By promoting responsible water practices, fostering conservation efforts, and implementing recycling and reuse strategies, we actively contribute to the sustainable development and resilience of the regions water supplies. Our dedication to these principles underscores our role as a responsible steward of water resources in a state grappling with the challenges of a changing climate and increasing urbanization in a water short region.